On my second major achievement for this month.
Signing up for a full frontednd web developmet course, the second time, is the best thing so for now.
I have been struggling with Git for some days now.
Finally, I was able to set it up and push my repositories to GitHub.
During this period, I learned a lot about Git.
Git is a version control system for tracking changes in computer files.
It is generally used for source code management in software development.
Some features of Git, from my tutorial, include but are not limited to:
1.Track History
2. Open Source
3. Support for Non-linear Development
4. Create Backup for Your Codes
5. Scalability
6. Supports Collaboration
7. Easier Branching
8. Distributed Development
Some useful and handy Git commands:
1. mkdir > create a repo
2. cd > navigate to a repo
3. git init > initialize a repo (allow it to accept changes)
4. git log > show work history
5. git diff > show differences between files
6. git add . > add changes
7. git commit -m "message" > create a new commit
8. git reset > rewrite history
I am officially adding Git as a new skill to my set of frontend web development skills.
I would be grateful for any suggestions that can help me understand Git and use it more efficiently.
Thanks for reading me.